As a technology service provider
Our employees are dedicated to the delivery of quality and efficient networking, IT, and security solutions here in the TRI-State Area of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. We believe that great ethical standards are essential to our individual and corporate goals.
The following commitments have been made:
To our customers:
- Hypernet Data Services, LLC places the greatest priority on the quality, properness, and competitiveness of our products and services;
- We pursue our objectives with a commitment to personal reliability, integrity, and superior professional standards.
To our fellow employees, present and prospective:
- Hypernet Data Services, LLC promotes an environment that encourages new ideas, high-quality work, and professional achievement;
- We ensure equal opportunity for employment and advancement; treating each employee with respect and fairness;
- Rewards of success will be shared with those that have participated in the accomplishments.
To our neighbors:
- Respecting the laws and customs of the neighborhoods that we live and conduct business is important to us as responsible citizens.